Staff Behavioural Change

Staff Behavioural Change

At Energyrite, we understand that sustainable energy management is not just about implementing the latest technology, but also about promoting behavioural change among staff members. That's why we offer comprehensive in-store training sessions that are designed to encourage behavioural change and ensure that correct procedures are taking place.

Behavioral change training

Staff training hours

Reduce energy waste

kWh reduction rate

Daily target report

Daily energy usage

Consistent approach

Consistent KPI tracking

Guaranteed energy savings

Guaranteed cost savings

Educating Staff Members & Tracking Progress with KPI

During our training sessions, we focus on educating staff members about the impact of their actions on energy consumption and the environment. We provide them with practical tips and guidance on how to reduce energy waste and operate equipment more efficiently.

To track progress, we use the store's daily target report, where energy usage is used as a key performance indicator (KPI). By monitoring this KPI, we can identify areas where energy waste is occurring and work with staff members to implement behavioural changes that will reduce energy consumption.

Consistent Approach & Sustainable Investing

Our approach to staff behavioural change is rooted in consistency. We work closely with businesses to establish achievable targets and monitor progress on an ongoing basis. Through this consistent approach, Energyrite ensures a reduction in energy usage. By investing in staff behavioural change, businesses can not only reduce their energy bills but also promote a culture of sustainability that benefits both the environment and the community. Contact us today to learn more about our staff behavioural change services and how they can benefit your business.